Genomic Medicines

Outstanding multi-disciplinary

team comprising pharmaceutical

lawyers and industry experts 






Our genomic medicine team is at the cutting edge of the legal and regulatory issues facing companies delivering genomic medicine services in the UK. Our genomic medicine lawyers will advise on genomic testing in particular whole genome sequencing, biomedical research, genetic mutation pathways and variations, epigenetics and the use of genomic data. RT Coopers has assembled a multidisciplinary team comprising life sciences and pharmaceutical lawyers and industry experts who are well placed to advise and assist with legal and regulatory issues in relation to genomic medicines.


The proliferation of innovation and technologies has facilitated the widespread use of detailed genomic testing in many clinical fields. Testing now incorporates the analysis of whole or large sections of a genome. In terms of whole genome sequencing, the legal issues in relation to consent and confidentiality are paramount considerations for healthcare professionals as well as companies conducting the analyses.




Our genomic medicine lawyers have expertise in data protection, consent and confidentiality in genomic medicine, rare disease, intellectual property and life sciences


Some of the services we provide are: 






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